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Avoid yard work injuries this spring

It’s spring once again and what better place to be than in your garden? While a seemingly tame activity, all that bending, squatting, digging,...

Back surgery medication or chiropractic care

If you’ve been told back or neck surgery is a good option for you, please have a chiropractic evaluation first. Ongoing Chiropractic care has been...

Choosing Wisely

Now more than ever, there is a lot of information (sometimes conflicting) on healthcare. What tests to get, what treatments to receive, what the costs are...

Why chiropractic care is needed after a low speed impact

Auto accidents happen every day. Most of them are low-impact collisions. According to the Insurance Institute for highway safety the largest number of rear...

Travel tips for back health

4 travel tips for back healthThe holiday season is here which means a lot of people are traveling more than they normally would. This often flares up old...